Exceptional Mobile Electric Bike Services

  • Electrical Troubleshooting

    Electrical Troubleshooting

    What sets us apart from the tumbleweeds? Our electric prowess, partner. We tame the unruliest of wires and sparks. Sensor on the fritz? No worries – we'll replace without replacing the whole shebang. Motors on strike? We're there with cable swaps, Hall sensor wizardry, and Cooper winding mastery. Controllers on the fritz? Consider them fixed. Wire harness in a tangle? We're your untanglers. Battery acting up? We'll troubleshoot, repair, and even give your charger a second chance.

  • Thee Diagnostic Dynamos

    Thee Diagnostic Dynamos

    Saddle-weary and seeking answers? Fear not, for our seasoned technicians have seen it all. We’ve mastered the art of diagnosis, ensuring you’re not paying for a mountain when it’s merely a molehill. We’re all about restoration, avoiding replacement when possible. Bikes can create all sorts of odd clatter and uproar. With just a simple test ride our mechanics can pinpoint exactly what sort of controversy is occuring. Got squealing brakes? Chain jumping and jiving? Motor on the Fritz? Clickity-Clackity? Bang-Bang-Pow? We have mastered the musical notes of E-bikes over the years. Not only can we solve your predicaments, but also prevent future ruptures on your endless expeditions.

  • Mechanical Component Upgrade: Crafting the Perfect Chariot

    Components: Crafting the Perfect Companion

    Every trailblazer knows the importance of reliable gear. That's why Thee Bike Co. offers an array of component solutions, carefully selected to elevate your ride. From performance enhancing Hydraulic Brakes that rival the grit of the Wild West. Drivetrain options that embrace modern innovation to personally suit your chosen path. Wheels and Tires to perform faithfully to your journey’s end. Any and all Accessories to equip your ride with ultimate comfort, safety, and enjoyment! There is nothing that cannot be done with our rugged determination and loyalty to our patrons. Prepare to conquer the open road with a Steed that's finely tuned to your every command.

  • Boundless Upgrades: Beyond the Horizon

    Boundless Upgrades: Beyond the Horizon

    Yearning for upgrades that'll set the trail ablaze? Consider your wish granted. Transform your ride with Hydraulic Brakes, extending your bike's life threefold. Or, embark on a transformation journey with our Mid Drive conversion kits. Turn your cherished bike into an electric marvel, capturing the essence of vintage adventures with a modern twist

Schedule Service & Repairs

Unleash your electric bike's potential with Thee Ebike Co's captivating repairs. Experience the blend of vintage charm and modern ingenuity that defines us. Saddle up for a ride like no other!